Wednesday, June 18, 2014

First Post


                   Welcome to "General Finance" my Personal Finance Blog. The purpose of this blog is to express ideas on investments, savings, finance, general economics, and personal stories of how finances impact your life & mine.  I focus mainly on stocks and the basic principles of them, the taboos of money/wealth, my personal investment heroes, current business topics, and many more. While I am brand new to this, I am truly excited to have a platform to express myself freely. I am sure I will make misquotes, mistakes, and make some novice points of views, as I will also be learning how to better improve the blog as a whole as I get more accustomed to the tools at my disposal, but that brings me to the second point of this blog; to be able to learn and grow from hearing from other people who have lived and experienced far more than I ever could have ever imagined. I Thank You for letting me into your life by letting me share you a glimpse of mine. May all of my readers lives be filled with prosperity & happiness.

                                                                                               Thank You,


                                                                                               The General Investor


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